A Few Stories from Your Fellow San Diegans

These stories represent all corners of San Diego county and all audiences.

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Diary of a Social Worker During COVID

COVID-19 brought great anxiety at first. It was as much a shock to the system as jumping in the pool in the morning is a cold shock to your body. Right now, I’m on my fifth day into California’s shelter in place order. What this looks like is a ghost town in some areas; what…
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Self-Quarantine Woes

It has complicated ordinary things — remembering my mask, the dance at the grocery store to maintain 6′ distance from other shoppers, not being able to hug my daughter or visit my NYC based son.  It’s made for healthier eating, with lots more cooking and diving into recipes. It’s a constant low-grade worry about our…
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My COVID-19 Story

May 2020 The collage is intended as a tribute to the multitude of heroes who sustained us and brought us together as one people during the COVID-19 pandemic.  It features healthcare professionals and many other essential workers from across the globe who worked tirelessly to take care of our physical and emotional needs during a…
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Solana Beach During COVID-19

COVID-19 has changed my life in a few ways, the most obvious being outdoor activities. I am not able to go to school physically, trips to the grocery store are more scarce, and I rarely see my friends at all due to the crisis. Thankfully, I am able to run and bike around to keep…
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Diabetes Vs COVID-19

I am a diabetic and part of my daily routine is to get up, have breakfast then head out to exercise by walking. Since the Shelter In Place  rules started I was afraid to go out and get my exercise. I could tell my blood sugars were going up. I decided I had to win…
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A Positive Outlook

COVID-19 has changed my daily life because I suddenly could not participate in the activities I would do every day. My school went online for a week as a test for the possibility of this virus getting worse and I have not gone back to my school since. I now have to interact with others…
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A Good Way … A Bad Way

(Since COVID-19) …. I’ve become closer with my family in a good way and a bad way but it’s upsetting because I can’t see my friends and I can’t go out.
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My Beautiful Community

I really never thought about how beautiful my community was and how lucky I was to be able to live here until I wasn’t allowed to explore or be a part of it anymore.
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COVID-19 has made me appreciate San Diego much more. I feel like I took for granted the beaches, parks, and other activities that are here when they were open. But now that they have been closed for so long, I can’t wait to spend as much time at them as possible. I also think that…
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My 2020 High School Senior Experience

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the world’s society with the potential of affecting how we interact with each other in the future. I have lost contact with many friends and known individuals who fought for their lives against COVID-19. This pandemic has made me realize how truly vulnerable we are as a human…
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A Rolling Fog

Since I have a public health background, I began watching the pandemic unfold early on. I had hoped against hope that we could prevent the current scenario. I realized I should start to prepare, just in case. Then a friend of mine met me for coffee in early March, and told me her concerns as…
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Taking The Free Covid19 Test without Symptoms

May 5, 2020 San Diego County opened the drive thru Covdid-19 testing to anyone! This means we are in phase 2 or almost into it of the lock down. Phase 2 lightens restrictions, instead of being confined to my boat I can stretch my legs and go for a walk on the beach. I can…
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Not at all …

My husband died 3 years ago, so I understand “isolation”.  This crisis has brought home how much I miss the actual contact of friends:  the clasp of hands, the hugs, pat on the shoulder.  Shopping is a challenge now, rather than a pleasure.  Eating inside a restaurant, sharing that time with family & friends, not…
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Yellow ribbon to feel

The yellow ribbon in my eyes is to show support to Healthcare and all frontline workers. Meaning nurses, fire, police, truck drivers, teachers, government, you get the idea. Any one who is working to keep us going and healthy. It’s April 24, 2020 and I’ve been overwhelmed by how many people feel the same. The…
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My Grandma taught me what’s going on in the world.

My Mom passed away on Labor Day 2018** i was 7 yrs old i always visit my grandparents in San Diego ** I now live with my grandparents i had to move from Las Vegas and change my school and friends** i was just getting settled from my mom being gone and all the new…
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The Art of Being Grateful

I first visited San Diego when I was 17 (1980) and completely fell in love with it, the weather, access to the ocean and marine animals and birds. I knew the first time I stood and looked out at the horizon from Children’s Beach that it was “home” for me and I’d come back. At…
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A completely different lifestyle

My wife making my 41st birthday special no matter our current situation!!! Nothing is the same!!! Have to live a completely different life style!!!
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Behind the Scenes of the Front Lines

I have had the unique challenge in the 40th year of my career at the hospital of moving my business operations to total remote work. I manage 75 staff who have varying degrees of digital and computer technical skill. Most of them have personal computers that they can use to do their daily tasks with…
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Life as we know it… filled with love and kindness

As a 63-year old a gay man living through the Aids crisis and seeing how it took the lives of so many gay men and then affecting and taking the lives of the straight population, I never thought I would witness anything worse than that in my lifetime. This epidemic is scary and I think…
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Dangerous but rewarding

I work in a homeless shelter. My job is the best job I ever had. I now accept the idea that I will possibly get the virus, but am not scared. The scary part is that I may bring it home to my family. My 89 year old Dad lives a few blocks away and…
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Staying apart is bringing us closer together

The current pandemic has made me realize more than ever how grateful I am to be living in a place where the weather is mild, the people are friendly and there is genuine concern for each other’s well being.  I am confident that this will eventually pass and life will return to a new normal. …
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Nurse Practitioner to the Neighborhood

As a Nurse Practitioner during this time life is pretty busy. There is an added layer of stress while at work to protect myself and not bring COVID home to my family. There are children in our neighborhood who have underlying health conditions and nervous parents. So I have protective gear and do home visits…
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We have done this before and we can do it again!

My great grandparents came by rail in the 1880’s and my grandmother was born here on 12/24/1889. I am remined every day that this is not really anything new.  My parents and grandparents lived here and went through the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression, and both the first and second world wars.  They survived rationing…
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Best Birthday Ever

I have a bright spot to share with you in all this craziness! I got a wild hair to email my son Sawyer’s favorite Padres baseball player Chris Paddack yesterday to see if he would be willing to send a signed card or maybe an email saying Happy Birthday since today is his 10th and…
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Kindess in the Air

Everyone is practicing social distancing from other households, but there is kindness in the air.  People are actively helping out others in the neighborhood. I see more of my neighbors getting out and walking.  There are some new faces I have not seen before.  One day in front of our house, a neighbor and her…
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Overnight.. Essential Workers

COVID-19 has changed my life as well as the life of many people around me. It was spring break at Point Loma Nazarene University when the order came to leave campus. a month before, my girlfriend was pulled from her study abroad courses in Italy and had to self quarantine before the virus began to…
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Moving Forward with Music

I firmly believe San Diego is “America’s Finest City” to shelter-in-place during this coronavirus pandemic. San Diego is urban but not mega-urban like Los Angeles or New York City. I know many businesses will close due to this crisis, but San Diegans are inventive: there will be a new store, technology company or restaurant that…
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People Pull Together

This is such a unique time in that everyone that we are all connected to are experiencing the same thing at the same time. This is an unprecedented event. The wonderful thing in times of crisis is the way people pull together. My entire neighborhood and community support each other. When walking, complete strangers who…
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San Diego is the Best

We are doing what is asked of us, but it’s hard seeing friends I’ve served with sick and testing positive with this.  I love San Diego too much for this to change my mind on San Diego.  I’ve been to so many countries and San Diego is the best place I’ve ever been. 
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Lesson My Father Taught Me

My family moved to San Diego in 1969. My dad had polio and couldn’t plow snow anymore. He researched the best climate in the U.S. and San Diego came out on top. He was also interested in meeting Dr. Salk I listened to my father’s stories about contracting polio. I saw him in bed for…
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We Pray for the World!

I also miss my brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews! We all go on Zoom and video chat every night at 7:30p. In our chat we pray for the world and the end of this coronavirus.
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